Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday 5/18/10

So I wanted to post these last week for Sweet Shot Tuesday, but due to some technical difficulties, it didn't happen. We got the opportunity to have a three bedroom condo in Klamath Falls for a couple of nights over Mothers day weekend. It was wonderful! We had a very relaxing weekend and my only "job" was to take pictures, lol. Here are some of my favorites:

I just love Little P's hands!

I really liked the depth of field and the uniqueness of this shot.

I just thought this was cute! Not sure why she had her hood up!

I thought this shot just totally captured his personality.

For more "Sweet Shots" head on over to Darcy's at my3boybarrians!

Sweet Shot Day

Have a "Sweet" week!


1 comment:

Michelle DeRusha said...

That one of the tire swing (I think that's what it is!) is very cool!

Background Papers and Embellishments Created by Marie Stones