Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday 7/27/10

Since I shared the cute film strips of each of the kids on Friday, I decided to get a little more "artsy" with my sweet shot today. I just love Little P's hands. They are just so chubby and cute! And, yes, his sister's painted his nails :-) I guess that's what happens when you're the only boy!

For more "Sweet Shots" visit Darcy at my3boybarians.

Sweet Shot Day



Susan said...

Love those precious hands!! Great shots~

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Love the pictures. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the folded hands. So sweet.

The Frugal Family Manager said...

Oh my goodness, that's hilarious!


Background Papers and Embellishments Created by Marie Stones